1. Greening
Grass cutting and vegetation maintenance on road verges and medians.
Liaising with the Parks Dep about our 9 local parks and their maintenance.
2. Cleaning
Litter clearing along roads where the greening team are working.
3. Security
Supporting relationships and plans of the CPF and SAPS to work towards a safer neighbourhood. Partnering with Blue Security to bring more monitored cameras to our area. Support of the Crime in progress Whatsapp group for the area.
4. Identifying Problems
Identifying and reporting to the municipality issues including sink holes, pot-holes, road markings, or other road maintenance issues.
5. DSW
Building relationships with the various people at DSW to get information and communication flowing freely, taking ongoing queries to DSW.
6. Reporting
Suspected illegal building/ construction.
Water, sewage & storm water faults.
Electricity faults.
7. Escalating
Following up of reported water leaks, sewage leaks, streetlight outages and storm water drain blockages.
8. Forging relationships
Making contacts within the municipality to collaborate with the various departments, holding them accountable for the service delivery.
9. Cable Theft
Supporting the municipal cable theft unit, through alerting them when issues in our area are happening, have happened.
10. Representation
All residents in our UIP are represented by our Manager and Community Co-ordinator as they get to know the various departments within the municipality. Which means we are represented when major faults are not being dealt with.
All fault reporting numbers are detailed on the Pigeon Valley UIP website, as well as other important numbers. It is often very helpful if a photo of the fault can be submitted via the email reporting address. For ease of reference, they are:
080 131 3111
076 791 2449 (WhatsApp only)
Water & Sewage:
080 311 1111
073 148 3477 (WhatsApp only)
080 311 1111